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iOS 14 Beta Profile

ios 14 beta profile

ios 14 beta profile

iOS 14.8 beta 2 profile. Betaprofiles iOS 14. Download Beta Profies. Everyone can participate in the iOS 14.8 beta 2 profile program. To do this, it’s enough to either have a developer account, the cost of which is $100 per year, or to register on the Apple website and gain access to public beta builds. Another thing is that not all of those who would like to test the assembly that has not yet been released are ready to bother with registration. They would just like to download the beta profile and start using the latest version of the OS. Our today’s instruction is just for such.

While you get quick access to iOS 14beta versions, you can follow ios 14 beta profiles on our site. In this case, its name is 100% justified, because it offers the simplest and fastest way to become a member of the beta test program by downloading the developer’s beta profiles to your iPhone or iPad.

iOS 14.8 Beta 2 Release Date: March 30

iOS 14 Supported Devices


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How to install iOS 14 beta profile

iOS 14.7 Beta 5 Release Date: July 15

Remember that beta versions can be unstable and a priori unable to ensure the stability release builds of operating system. Therefore, before installing a test update. It is strongly recommended that you back up all the data in order to be able to restore it from a copy if something goes wrong.

How to Download and Install iOS 14 Beta

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